Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Worrying times

I'm getting worried about my human - she's started listening to country music!  Don't get me wrong I like it but I didn't think she would - although she's always been a closet of Dolly fan.

This weeks new experience... drive through ATM, it was so cool.  I wonder if they still have drive in movies - that would be great.  I also want to try a drive in restaurant with waitresses on roller skates and my human would love the drive through beer and wine shop.  I wonder if we could live in the car???  Ok, maybe not it would probably get smelly.

Oh get this - the shopping trolleys at the supermarket have got cup holders on them!

Road trip

I went on my first road trip this weekend.  We went to Harpers Ferry in West Virginia - yes, of John Denver fame... not my pictures.

Forgive my ignorance, I know it's a historical place but I didn't pay much attention to what happened.  Something to do with a bloke called John Brown who wanted to free the slaves (good old bloke if you ask me).  He got a bit upset and he and his mates went to Harpers and had a fight with some other blokes who thought slavery was good.  Sadly he got caught and hanged [is it hanged or hung ] for treason.  Anyway that's what started the American civil war (so I read).

We drove the back roads which gave me a real sense of America.  Other than the freeway from the airport and the short walks near our apartment I haven't seen anything of America - I liked it though.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Early finish

What a nice surprise, my human came home early today.  Apparently there was a problem at work that needed the fire department to sort out.  Must have been a big problem, look at all the fire trucks.

For once I hope the noise that has just shook the windows in the apartment was thunder and not a result of what is happening where she works.  The weather channel said we would have a storm tonight and it feels like it's here...  I'm off to hide under the bed!

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Bill Oddie

I'm turning into a twitcher - no not the nervous type, the Bill Oddie type.  The birds here are more colourful than the ones back home, and bigger.  Today I saw a Turkey Vulture - I think it was that anyway.  It was huge and looked just like the one in the photo left (not taken by us though).  My favourites are the black birds with the red bits on their wings.  They look so cool when they fly away - and no it's not because I chase them, it's far too hot for running around like a silly puppy.  

On my walk yesterday morning a rock slid down the banking onto the footpath in front of me and started walking towards the lake.  I went over to investigate and it's legs and head disappeared inside it's shell.  Turns out it wasn't a rock at all, it was a turtle, and quiet a big one as well - about the size of a dinner plate in diameter.  

I'm still struggling with the heat.  Tonight I managed 10 minutes round the block before flaking out back in the apartment.  We are going out when the sun goes down although it's still much warmer than back home.  It's nice not to have to be washed down with a bucket of water in the garden after every walk though - I haven't had muddy paws since leaving the UK.

Monday, 22 June 2009

New friend

I made a new friend today, George he's a Beagle and he's 8 just like me.  His human is called James and he talked to my human for ages.  I got bored waiting so had a little nap.  He told us all the great places to go and which vet George uses.  He seems really nice and friendly.  I wonder if it's my English bark that attracts them or are all American dog owners really friendly?

I'm having second thoughts about living in a wooden house.  We were just coming back from our walk and there was an awful lot of noise - sirens and horns, then all these huge fire engines came past and parked up outside the block next to our apartment.  It was very exciting but a little bit frightening as well.  I've never seen so many fireman in one place.  It took all my strength to drag my human away - what's the attraction of men in uniform?   

She started work today so I was on my own for the first time since we got here.  Nothing to it really.  Just like being at home but warmer and no Terry Wogan!  I wonder of we'll see George tomorrow.     

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Music to my ears

Just across the street from us is a sort of town square where live bands play at the weekend.  We went across last night to see what was going on.  They were really good, a bit noisy for my sensitive ears but good 60's music: better than the blues band the night before.  And what a great way to get some attention.  It must be my youthful good looks that attracts the humans.  They just love my English woof.  

I saw my first fire fly ever.  I didn't know what it was at first.  This little bug came floating by then just lit up.  It was brilliant. This one was green but apparently they come in a range of colours.  I'm going to be on the look out for their babies - glow worms because they are worms... that glow.  Cool!

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Settling in

I've been here a few days now and met a few native dogs.  Most of them are really friendly, just the one grumpy little dog but that's normal with the little ones.  We've found where all the dogs hang out - down by the lakes.  It's a few minutes walk from where we are staying.  I have to stay on the lead which isn't too bad as I still haven't gotten used to the humidity here.  

Here are some photo's of where I've been walking.  

My human went to the vet today to see if she could get hold of some more drugs for me.  I'm still pretty freaked out with all the changes and the thunder.  Anyone who knows me knows I hate thunder and we've had storms every day since we got here.  I'm now on restricted walks thanks to the vet.  She said I had to be really careful of heat stroke because of the humidity.  I'm allowed 20 minutes at the most, which to be honest is about all I can cope with at the moment.  I'm soooo tired.

Still not getting on with the stairs - they are really scary - I can see right through them which is seriously unnerving...

Thursday, 18 June 2009

The doggie has landed

I made it and without too much trauma.  Ok, so it wasn't the best journey of my life but I survived which is the important thing.  My new home is very nice.  It seems bigger than my UK home but that's probably because I don't have so many toys here.   It's nice that all the rooms are on the same floor and the balcony is brilliant.  I've never been so high - well except on the plane that is.  

First impressions: It's just like home - but hotter and wetter!  It rained really hard last night and this morning but it's sunny now.  I can't believe how hot it is though.  Not very suitable for someone with black fur!  

I had my first wee against a fire hydrant this morning - how American is that?  

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Departure Day

Did you know they do business class travel for dogs?  It must be business class from the way my human was crying when she handed over the money for my flight this morning.

We were up not so bright but very early this morning because I had to check in 4 hours before the flight.  Our driver let me sit on the seat next to my human all the way to the doggie check-in desk where we were met by a lovely lady from Virgin Atlantic cargo who gave me a good old pat and said she'd take care of me.  Yes, Sir Richard, if you are reading this your service has been excellent so far.  

I've cleared customs and am now waiting in my prison ready for my flight.  What strange questions they ask - am I carrying any liquids or explosives?  Well I went to the loo this morning but it's quite stressful so goodness knows how 'explosive' I might be after 8 hours on a plane! 

Think I'll have a little nap now before the flight.  Air travel is sooooo tiring!

Oh yeah, get this, I got a leather holder for my passport - how cool am I?

Sunday, 14 June 2009


I have no idea what my human put in my tea last night but boy was it good, I slept like a puppy all night! I'm guessing it was the drugs she plans to give me before I get on the plane. I'm a really nervous traveller so a little bit of something to help me out will be most appreciated.

Only 3 more days before we jet off to America. I'm quite excited about it - what an adventure. Still not looking forward to the flight but am looking forward to seeing my new home. I wonder what a balconly is? My new place has one of those and a pool but I'm not allowed in that - can't see why not, I'm an excellent swimmer.

I'm getting on a bit better with my prison. It now has carpet in it so I don't slip and slide all over the place. I even been in it without being pushed.

Monday, 1 June 2009

I give in

Or should that be I got in?  That's me in prison.  I didn't give in without a fight.  Fresh sausages had to be cooked on the BBQ and placed in the prison before she could get me anywhere near it.  I pushed my nose in and wham, she pushed me and before I knew it the door was locked and she's taking photo's of me.  Sneaky woman.  Still I did get some rather nice sausages out of it.

I'm not a happy doggie!