Monday 31 May 2010

It's all pants

I'll get to that in a minute, first an apology for the lack of posts recently.  I've been on vacation, not the whole time but a few weeks.  My human took off to California earthquake hunting or something like that.  I'm not going to tell you about her holiday because this is my blog - she can get her own.

So what's pants then?  Or maybe that should be who's pants?  Remember soon after I first moved here a single sock appeared in the middle of the bedroom carpet?  It wasn't mine or my human's although I did use it to cover my sore paw during the winter.  After any vacation there's a certain amount of washing to do.  Imagine the quizzical looks when my human went to the laundry room and found a pair of ladies pants sitting atop the washer.  They're definitely not mine and far too small to be hers.  The apartment was shut up for two weeks so the mystery is where did they come from?  Maybe our laundry room is a star gate to someone else's laundry room.  So if you've lost a sock or a pair of pants drop me a line.