Sunday 29 November 2009

Believe it or not

I was flicking through a pet magazine we got the other day, you know just for ideas to send to Doggie Claus. You will not believe the stuff you can get.

My 'I can't believe it' top 5 are (in no particular order as it's truly impossible to rank these):

* A fashionable, lightweight pet stroller. Yep, a pram for your pooch. Complete with cup holders!
* A plastic fire hydrant with scent attractant to 'train' your pooch to pee.
* Ideally used with the indoor pet loo - for when the weather is too inclement to go outside.... let me tell you, the weather will never be that inclement!
* Pet steps/ramp to help you onto the sofa when the old joints start letting you down.
* And the ultimate in lost doggie dignity... disposable diapers. Please, I beg of you, if I get to the stage where I need them, take me on a one way visit to the vets.

Clearly there is a market for this stuff. We went to the state park today and saw a dog in a stroller. And the most disturbing thing was he didn't look an old dog at all. Oooh which reminds me; I scared an old dog yesterday when I bounded up to him in my youthful manner. His human said he didn't like puppies because he couldn't keep up with them anymore. Me a puppy, turns out I was two years older than him! Hee hee hee, puppy power!

Thursday 26 November 2009


Ooohhh ow, don't make me move. I didn't realize I could eat so much turkey. I'm glad I don't have to clean up after myself tomorrow. Thanksgiving is such a cool holiday: my human doesn't have to go to work; the shops are closed and all we do is eat, drink and play games: no stress about presents and cards; just friends, family and food. I'm exhausted!

Better get some quality sleep ready for Black Friday aka: the sales. Some shops open at 4am in the morning: thankfully the pet shop isn't one of them!

Tuesday 24 November 2009


I'm not talking to my human at the moment. She has been out two nights in a row. How could she? She leaves me all day, takes me for a quick walk round the block then clears off again. She says she is working but I can smell the beer on her when she gets home. OK so she brought me human food back tonight (steak) and she's spoiling me with treats but still, two nights in a row, it's just not on! And to cap it all she left the TV tuned to Fox News! She knows Animal Planet or the weather channel are my favourites, but no I get Fox News. Whipeee flippin' do!

Monday 23 November 2009

Long time

Well howdi! Oh ok I'm not in cowboy country but it seemed appropriate to make some kind of statement considering how long it has been since my last post.

To tell the truth all that traveling had wiped me out but I'm back now and it's time to update you on what's been happening in the world of Ben. But before I do that I should finish telling you about my time in New York. It was ace, cold and grey but I really enjoyed it. It was everything I expected it to be: big, busy, noisy and full of wonderful (and not so wonderful) smells. I didn't get chance to walk or pee in central park but I did see the Statue of Liberty, which is much smaller in the flesh than it looks on the telly.

We walked by the worlds most photographed construction site, formally know as the World Trade Centre and reflected on events of that terrible day. I stood on the steps of the court house used in my human's favourite show - Law And Order, and ate a hot dog from a street vendor - just like in the show. It's true what they say about TV adding pounds... my hot dog looked far smaller than the ones you see the actors eating on the TV!

Wall Street isn't as big as you think it should be but it did take me ages to walk down as I had to pee on every financial institution I could find!