Wednesday 27 April 2011

Birthday Excitement

Mother nature has arranged a wonderful light show for my birthday.  When I say wonderful I really mean scary, noisy, dribbling and shaking with fear thunderstorm.  Thankfully my human came home in time to whisk me round the block before the rain came.  She is now glued to the weather channel watching the next storm come in.  Hopefully we will get away with just rain and thunder, I don't think my nerves will take another tornado warning.  And there I was thinking she was getting the matches out to light the candles on my cake. 

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me. 

Can you believe it I am 10?  TEN!  Where did the years go?  One minute I'm running free as a dog who slipped his lead, chasing bunnies through the fields, the next I'm in a crate on a plane to a life of thunderstorms, hot weather, and walks on the lead.

My human is planning a party for me this weekend.  She says it's for the Royal wedding but I know that's just a ruse to put me off the scent.  I hope we have sausages on sticks, and sausages not on sticks for that matter.  Just sausages, that would be nice.  Hmmmm sausages!

I need a nap.