Wednesday 31 October 2012

Trick or Treat?

Nobody ever knocks on our door so my guard dog duties are pretty limited, except tonight!  Why didn't my human warn me it was Halloween? 

Tonight we've been visited by 4 fairies; 12 superheroes; a cat (which I chased away); 3 grumpy looking parents and a handful of teenagers who really should have made more of an effort. 

So far I've had 10 pats on the head; 5 ear scratches; a tummy tickle; made 3 teenage girls scream like errr teenage girls and made Batman cry!  We have this great thing going: there's a knock at the door, my human opens it and I rush outside to either screams or pats.  I love Halloween! 

Here are 3 of my favourite internet costumes for furry friends.  I really hope that last one are supposed to be ghosts and not the KKK!

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Bye Bye Sandy

Phew!  That was lucky.  Sandy gave us a fleeting visit and left us with a little drying out to do but we were very lucky: we have power and I helped sniffing out any problems in the house.  Only downside is I can't get in front of the roaring fire because of the wet carpet. 

Woofs and sniffs to my furry brothers and sisters in NY and NJ.  I hope you guys dry out soon and aren't too traumatized.

Monday 29 October 2012

Go Away Sandy

I'm heeding the advice of the humans and hunkering down to ride out the storm...

Oh Sandy

I'm not sure who this Sandy woman is but she must really, really important because everyone is talking about her.  People are talking about her on the news and the radio, even dogTV has been talking about her.

Thankfully I am well prepared.  I brought all my toys in from the garden last night , my human stocked up on food for us both, and I've got a stash of custard creams.  I'm snuggled in front of the log fire awaiting the arrival of this very special visitor.