Sunday 27 December 2009

Snowed in

I've finally managed to dig myself out after the monster snow storm that hit last week. I thought I'd gone blind - I came out of my kennel and all I could see was white! As it turns out I wasn't blind, it was because the snow was so deep - 27 inches deep to be precise. I'm only 2 feet tall! Thankfully my hoteliers have dug paths for me so I can pee without freezing my bits off. I've had such a great time playing in the snow. We've been tobogganing - I love to run along side the sled, made snow angels and built snow dogs. Its brilliant!

Saturday 19 December 2009


You will be pleased to know my paw is fully fixed and I'm now on my holidays. My human has left me for the cold and snow of the England and I get to spend three weeks, yes, 3 whole weeks on holiday. I'm boarding next to a lovely black lab called Lucy she's quite a bit younger than me but I can still hold my own when it comes to running around the field.

My human has been moaning about the weather back home - apparently they had a bit of snow and half the country ground to a halt. It's been really cold here, especially at night but the doggie hotel is heated, I've got a blanket and now I'm carrying an extra few pounds I'm toastie warm.

Did I mention I've put on 9lbs since I arrived here? That's 4kgs in new money! I know, fat dog. If I keep this up I'll need lipo suction before I can show my fur back in the UK. It's lack of exercise. I used to run for miles through the fields: now it's a 30 minute on lead walk around the lake. It's just not the same. Oh and the hot dogs, burgers, ice creams and dog biscuits covered in peanut butter probably don't help but hey, if you can't indulge when you are on holiday when can you?

Monday 7 December 2009


I don't know what drugs the vet gave me yesterday but they must have been strong. I dreamt that Santa rode down the main street on a fire engine....

Sunday 6 December 2009

Poorly paw update

I've spent most of the afternoon at the vets. A minor operator to have my dew claw partially removed. Between you and me I'm feeling a little sorry for myself and really tired but that's from the sedative they gave me. It still hurts but the vet says it will get better soon. I'm glad it's gone because it was becoming really annoying catching it all the time, although not quite as annoying as the plastic bag they covered my bandage in. Plastic covered paws and snow are not a good combination - I slid most of the way home. Below you can see the indignity of the plastic bag; heavily bandaged paw and me sporting the latest in designer doggie footwear. Oh heck, I've just noticed they shaved my leg as well - it's going to be -4 tomorrow, I'll freeze.

Highs and Lows

Oh boy what a weekend. We had the first snow of the winter yesterday. The weather humans said it would snow on Saturday but it was raining when I went for my morning walk. It turned to snow later on and continued all day, which would have been fine if we were staying in doors but we'd been invited to my humans friend's house. I know why we've been driving a big 4 by 4 all year - we needed it yesterday. Anyway back to the visit: they have some woods where I'm allowed to run around without my lead on. It was ACE! I haven't been let off for nearly 6 months so truly made the most of it. The snow was a bit cold but you can't pass up opportunities like that. I have picked up a bit of an injury though. I don't remember hurting myself but my dew claw is sticking out at a rather alarming angle and I keep catching it and making it bleed. My human is following me round the apartment with carpet cleaner as I keep bleeding - well she would get a place with cream carpets. It hurts like heck so I let her bandage it up to save me from catching it every time I move. Looks like we'll be paying the vet a visit in the morning. Tea and sympathy please.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Top Tip

Don't pee on trees that are wrapped in christmas lights unless you want to plunge the house into darkness and your bits to tingle. I should sue; I could have been killed.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Guard Dog

Picture the scene - it's cold outside; I'm resting on my bed after my evening stroll; my human is reading her new book. There's a noise outside the apartment; a key being put into the lock; it doesn't turn but the handle is rattled. The key is tried again; we aren't expecting visitors; we have the only keys. Being the protective type I spring from my bed and gather my favourite toy from harms way while my human edges towards the door. The door springs open just as I arrive to see off the unwelcome intruder. It clearly works because the man steps back from the door clearly surprised to see someone in his apartment - oh wait a minute we live on the third floor, he lives above us.... the last time I saw someone look that embarrassed was when I was wee pup and I vomited in the middle of the room at puppy training class.

Sunday 29 November 2009

Believe it or not

I was flicking through a pet magazine we got the other day, you know just for ideas to send to Doggie Claus. You will not believe the stuff you can get.

My 'I can't believe it' top 5 are (in no particular order as it's truly impossible to rank these):

* A fashionable, lightweight pet stroller. Yep, a pram for your pooch. Complete with cup holders!
* A plastic fire hydrant with scent attractant to 'train' your pooch to pee.
* Ideally used with the indoor pet loo - for when the weather is too inclement to go outside.... let me tell you, the weather will never be that inclement!
* Pet steps/ramp to help you onto the sofa when the old joints start letting you down.
* And the ultimate in lost doggie dignity... disposable diapers. Please, I beg of you, if I get to the stage where I need them, take me on a one way visit to the vets.

Clearly there is a market for this stuff. We went to the state park today and saw a dog in a stroller. And the most disturbing thing was he didn't look an old dog at all. Oooh which reminds me; I scared an old dog yesterday when I bounded up to him in my youthful manner. His human said he didn't like puppies because he couldn't keep up with them anymore. Me a puppy, turns out I was two years older than him! Hee hee hee, puppy power!

Thursday 26 November 2009


Ooohhh ow, don't make me move. I didn't realize I could eat so much turkey. I'm glad I don't have to clean up after myself tomorrow. Thanksgiving is such a cool holiday: my human doesn't have to go to work; the shops are closed and all we do is eat, drink and play games: no stress about presents and cards; just friends, family and food. I'm exhausted!

Better get some quality sleep ready for Black Friday aka: the sales. Some shops open at 4am in the morning: thankfully the pet shop isn't one of them!

Tuesday 24 November 2009


I'm not talking to my human at the moment. She has been out two nights in a row. How could she? She leaves me all day, takes me for a quick walk round the block then clears off again. She says she is working but I can smell the beer on her when she gets home. OK so she brought me human food back tonight (steak) and she's spoiling me with treats but still, two nights in a row, it's just not on! And to cap it all she left the TV tuned to Fox News! She knows Animal Planet or the weather channel are my favourites, but no I get Fox News. Whipeee flippin' do!

Monday 23 November 2009

Long time

Well howdi! Oh ok I'm not in cowboy country but it seemed appropriate to make some kind of statement considering how long it has been since my last post.

To tell the truth all that traveling had wiped me out but I'm back now and it's time to update you on what's been happening in the world of Ben. But before I do that I should finish telling you about my time in New York. It was ace, cold and grey but I really enjoyed it. It was everything I expected it to be: big, busy, noisy and full of wonderful (and not so wonderful) smells. I didn't get chance to walk or pee in central park but I did see the Statue of Liberty, which is much smaller in the flesh than it looks on the telly.

We walked by the worlds most photographed construction site, formally know as the World Trade Centre and reflected on events of that terrible day. I stood on the steps of the court house used in my human's favourite show - Law And Order, and ate a hot dog from a street vendor - just like in the show. It's true what they say about TV adding pounds... my hot dog looked far smaller than the ones you see the actors eating on the TV!

Wall Street isn't as big as you think it should be but it did take me ages to walk down as I had to pee on every financial institution I could find!

Saturday 31 October 2009


The world appears to have been taken over by cartoon characters, dead celebrities, ghosts and ghouls. I went for my walk earlier and was amazed by what has happened tonight. There are ghosts and witches and fairies and storm troopers and snow white, with more dwarfs than is healthy for a such a pretty character. And dinosaurs and wolves and lady birds and everything else in between. Nearly every house is decorated with lights and pumpkins and buckets of candy - it's no wonder there are so many dentists in America.

Friday 30 October 2009

The long goodbye

It was departure day for the English visitors today. All the cases were packed and loaded into the car. The goodbyes were said, the cuddles, the tears, the sad farewell at the door. Then 3 hours later they walk back through the door. Apparently the flight was overbooked and they opted to fly tomorrow which is great because they get free tickets to come out and see me again next year! Oh and of course I get another day of being pampered.

I might have to go to the airport with them tomorrow just to make sure they get on the plane this time :-)

Wednesday 28 October 2009

More States

We seem to have been driving for days. Yesterday we drove around some lovely seaside towns near Boston: Yarmouth, Plymouth, Hull. The weather was beautiful and I even got my paws wet in the Atlantic. Plymouth was an interesting little town where the founding fathers came ashore.

We are now in the Big Apple, well almost, we are across the Hudson in Jersey City, right on the river bank. The drive into town was a little hair raising at times, so much traffic in such a small space. The Manhattan skyline is wonderful at night. Another bus tour awaits in the big city.

Monday 26 October 2009

Boston Tea Party

Well we didn't have tea, or beer come to think of it (home to Sam Adams brewery) but we did go on a bus and a boat. The weather was fantastic, 70F (21C) in mid October and such a contrast to the 5 inches of rain/sleet/snow we have driven through over the last few days.

I almost had a walk on part in a movie but I don't have a visa to work in the US. I have no idea what the movie was but the film crew were all set up for a scene with extras and cars strategically positioned along the street. Our tour guide said it was either Tom Cruise or Matt Damon who was starring so it looks like I have to go to see all their new films just so I can see the scene they were filming.

We drove past the 'Cheers' bar but I wasn't allowed in. We did the full tourist bus tour where the driver/guide was obsessed with history an
d putting the English down. Considering that Boston is famous for the tea party it's sad to find out the historic wharf where the affair took place is now just a bog standard office block with a tiny little plaque to mark the occasion.

At least some history has been preserved, well about 10% of it anyway. We stopped off at Charlestown navy yard in the city to see the USS Constitution better known as 'Old Ironside', the oldest floating, undefeated, battle ship in the world. For something made of wood it's pretty impressive.

Sunday 25 October 2009

I'll have a P please Bob.

That was a long old drive (in the rain) from DC to Boston, through Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York state, Connecticut and Massachusetts. We were going to stay on Cape Cod but we didn't like the look of the place when we arrived so we went to plan B and are now staying in Boston. I know, I know, you are all saying Cape Cod is lovely but take it from me, out of season, in the pouring rain, close to freezing point when you drive in past half derelict strip malls, it's not so appealing!

I must say they know how to cater for the motorist in this county, even us doggies have our own rest areas with plenty of trees for me to inspect and yes, I did visit most of them.

Off sightseeing in Boston tomorrow - I hope it stops raining. At least all the snow has melted!

Saturday 24 October 2009

The English are coming

Well actually they are here! My human's mum and sister have come for a holiday - sadly dad is no longer with us which is a real shame 'cause he used to give really good belly rubs. They arrived a few days ago and brought the English weather with them - in other words it has rained since the day they landed.

So what's in store? Once they've got over their jet lag we are heading upt' norf to Boston and then the bright lights of New York city.

It's funny having other people in our apartment. I've got so used to it being just the two of us. It's nice to have people around during the day though. I just wish it would stop raining and warm up a bit. The weather people are saying it is going to snow in Boston tomorrow - if you ask me it feels cold enough to snow in DC today. I think I'm going to need a coat for winter and maybe some boots.

Saturday 10 October 2009

Pool Party

Have you noticed how there's always one show off at every party? I didn't like the water, it smelt funny. My human is really disappointment with me for not going for a swim. You'd think she'd have learnt by now that I'm a sensitive little doggie.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Severed Heads

It seems as though I have underestimated this Halloween business. It's huge over here and, unlike the UK, it is really nice. Lots of the houses in the neighbourhood have been decorated with lights and witches and cats and spiders and all sorts of ghostly things. I was walking down the street last night, just minding my own business, sniffing away, having a tinkle here and there, I poked my head into some bushes and nearly jumped out of my fur. Nestled next to a tombstone were two severed heads! OK so on closer inspection they were plastic but they didn't half get my pulse racing. I love the scarecrows and the smell of pumpkins is just divine.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Rude interruption

My dinner was rudely interrupted this evening with the arrival of three fire trucks at my apartment building. It was very exciting but boy do they make a racket. I guess it's just one of the downsides of living in wooden buildings.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Cooling off

I only managed to get my paws wet because I'm a law abiding dog and had to stay on my lead.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Ben the explorer

Autumn, or fall as they say out here, is just around the corner and the temperatures have taken a tumble. It was beautiful today: clear blue sky, a perfect 22oC, excellent exploring weather. We took a trip inside the beltway to Falls Creek State Park in Virginia. It was doggie utopia; so many smells, so many dogs. I exchanged a lot of business cards! I got some treats from the human of a Chihuahua called Buddy. He's one lucky dog, his human has started her own doggie treats business. I must say they were very good indeed. I can't say I'm a great fan of really small dogs, for one thing I've got to bend down such a long way to sniff their butts. I've eaten things bigger than him. Have a look at the pictures of me with Buddy and exploring the woods.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Death in the family

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the death of one of my nearest and dearest toys. After nearly two years of loyal service my Christmas reindeer tug toy has finally departed this world for the great garbage bin in the sky (a landfill site somewhere near DC). Thankfully the end was swift and relatively painless for the little guy and, to be honest, excellent fun. He still squeaks though. Roody you will be sadly missed.

Thursday 10 September 2009

Believe it or not

They have halloween costumes for dogs! I nearly got thrown out of the pet store for laughing at the costumes. I can't believe it. There was one poor dog who's owner kept trying different outfits on him. My personal favourite is the bumble bee or maybe the devil. They even have outfits for cats. Now that I have to see. I would love to see an owner trying to dress their cat up. Even the 'model' looks p***d off and he's getting paid for the photo shoot.

Saturday 5 September 2009

Fun run

I'm sitting out on my balcony watching the annual Kentlands 5K race. Ok, so it was a bit of any early start for me on a Saturday as they started setting up for the run at 6am right outside the apartment. The whooping and a hollerin' is starting to get on my nerves now, especially the cheerleaders who have been chanting the same phrase for the past 30 minutes - "Let's go runners, let's go!" You've got to admire their enthusiasm but not when they are right below your balcony.
They must have heard me, they've changed their chant - "Let's go walkers, let's go!" I'm guessing these are the stragglers. Good on 'em for finishing. Clearly, 5K is nothing for a supreme athlete like me, it's my human who would probably die trying to run, and as I have to stay on a lead, I couldn't take part.

Monday 31 August 2009


What do you think to the new look? I've just got back from a weeks holiday and I'm knackered. It was my first time in kennels and between you and me I wasn't really looking forward to it but I had a brilliant time. It was way out in the country, near a creek where we went paddling every day. I've made some new friends both doggie and human. My bestest kennel friend was the owners Bijon Frise, he knew I was a bit nervous so looked out for me. And it's always good to make friends with the bosses dog.

I had a bath, brush and my nails done this afternoon so I smell like a puffy toy dog - I really need to find some fox poo to roll in tomorrow and get my manly doggie smell back. I'm not sure I like the new look neckerchief they gave me at the kennel. It's nice and cooling when hot but I think I'm a bit old for that trendy look.

Friday 21 August 2009

Tornado warning

I'm not joking, watch the video. I was all settled for the evening in front of the TV when the program was interrupted by a tornado warning. The announcer advised us to go to our basement or an internal room, so I'm hiding out in the bathroom with my human who, to be honest, looks as scared as I feel.

It's absolutely belting down with rain and the thunder is amazingly loud, maybe because it is being amplified by the toilet or something. Either way, I'm really not enjoying myself at the moment and the forecast for tomorrow is more storms.

Watch the ticker at the bottom of the screen.

Saturday 15 August 2009

Capital Dog

I spent the day in Washington DC and boy do my paws ache now. It was really hot, not good weather for a black dog to be a tourist. The pond in the middle of the World War II memorial was so inviting but it would have been disrespectful to dive in and do a couple of laps.

I walked the length of the National Mall stopping at every tree and fire hydrant within lead reach. I wasn't allowed to cock my leg against the Washington monument, the Lincoln memorial or the war memorials (not that I would of course). The World War II and Vietnam memorials were very sobering. It doesn't show up very well on the photos but the 'field of stars' wall contains 4000 gold stars, each one presenting 100 soldiers who died during WWII, that's 400,000! The Vietnam memorial is totally different. It's a sweeping granite wall with the name of every solder killed or missing in action engraved on it: 58, 261 soldiers.

I went by the White House to see if Bo was home. He's the Obamas four legged friend. There was no sign of him though, not even a forgotten poo on the lawn. I tried woofing for him but he clearly doesn't understand an English bark. The secret service guys weren't too impressed though.

Enjoy the photo's.

Wednesday 12 August 2009

I like driving in my car

Well I don't actually but it's a necessary evil to get me to nice places.  How does driving in the US compare to the UK?  For one the car I've got is huge.  I have to bark extra loud so I can be heard in the front.  There are a lot of cars here and the roads are massive.  It looks a lot easier to drive here than back home.  All my human has to do is move a stick in the middle of the car backwards and put her foot on a little peddle on the floor and off we go.  To slow down she pushes the big peddle next to the little one.  It's so easy I don't know why she doesn't have a car like that at home instead of all this flapping about using 3 peddles and moving the middle stick backwards and forwards every few seconds. Seem a bit of a faff to me. 

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Honey, I've Shrunk The Dog!

Is it the weekend already?  Or maybe it's my birthday.  I went to the dog park tonight, which is unheard of on a school night.  Between you and me it's a bit of night off for my human.  All she has to do is sit there and pet the other dogs while I run around exchanging business cards with all the other dogs.  She really needs to take some treats with her though.  It's embarrassing begging for treats from other humans when they are handing them out to their dogs.

There was this tinny little dog that looked like a Doberman that had shrunk in the wash.  I don't think he realized he was 12 inches tall because he acted like the full size variety, all bold and confident strutting around the compound.  He was a perfect match for his human, she was tiny.  She couldn't have weighed more than 7 stones when soaking wet.  Guess what car a shrunken Doberman and a tiny lady drive.... a Hummer!  Yes, a huge great hummer, more at home in the Iraqi desert than the parking lot in a state park.  It was so big shrunken Doberman had to be lifted in the back.

Coolest dog of the evening was a white Great Pyrenees.  He arrived in the back of a pick up truck.  Actually stood up on the bed of the truck - how cool is that?  He'd been to the grooming parlor for a severe hair cut.  For a dog that is bred to survive in subzero temperatures 35oC was proving a bit too much for the big guy.  I wish I'd taken a video camera with me - a classic Pets do the funniest things clip when the shrunken Doberman tried to mount the Great Pyrenees.  Absolutely hilarious!   

Wednesday 5 August 2009


I went to the pet store today to watch the dogs in the grooming parlor.  What great entertainment.  There were 4 dogs in, all being clipped and trimmed down to the bone. There was this huge white poodle who was having a serious short back and sides.  It's a good job it's warm outside otherwise he'd need a coat.  I've never seen so much fur in my entire life.  

Monday 3 August 2009

Stormy Nights

And stormy days come to think about it.  Sorry I haven't posted anything for a few days I can't get the computer under the sofa.  As anyone who knows me will testify I hate thunder and we've had storms pretty much every day for the last week so I've taken refuge under the sofa seeing as I'm living in an apartment and don't have stairs to hide under.  Friday was particularly noisy with storms throughout the day.  I was lucky here it was just rain and high winds but a town near by was hit by a tornado which caused quite a bit of damage.  OK so it wasn't on the scale of the big twisters in tornado alley but pretty scary for an area that doesn't usually get them.

The absolute highlight of the past week was my first visit to the dog park.  Finally a chance to get off the lead and have a bit of freedom.  It didn't look very promising when I first got there as there were only two dogs there but it soon filled up.  It was ace!  There were so many dogs I didn't know which butt to sniff first.  All the dogs were so friendly and their owners were pretty good too.  I can't remember all their names but I was particularly taken by a rescued greyhound who was ever so elegant and even more sensitive than me.  I hope I get to go again soon.

On the way back from the park I had a stark reminder that America isn't a very safe place to live.  I passed 4 police men who had their guns drawn and a 'baddie' on the floor in handcuffs. Scary stuff!

Thursday 23 July 2009

Doggie daycare

I'm going on my holidays next month so I've been checking out the local kennels. I can't decide whether to go for the one with doggie day care included, the one where I get a bath or the one that will read me a bedtime story and feed me ice cream - I kid you not, look.

I've never stayed in a kennel before so I have no idea what to expect.  Is it scary? Will the other dogs like me?  I hope I get one of the deluxe kennels, I don't want to be caged up all day long.  

I quite fancy going to doggie daycare though.  A whole day of being with other dogs with loads of toys to play with. Sounds brilliant and miles better than listening to Terry Wogan all day.  I need to pass an entrance exam before I can go to day care.  Shouldn't be a problem, look at me, who wouldn't let me in?


Sunday 19 July 2009


Is better than cure so they say.  If that's the case I never want to be sick.  I went to the vets for my booster vaccinations and ended up having a full medical.  Eyes, ears, nose, bum, full blood work up, Lyme disease check, heart worm, neurological exam and a few other tests I better not mention in case you have eaten recently.  The result.... I'm in excellent health.  Well d'oh, I could have told you that without being poked and prodded in areas where, quite frankly, human hands should not go.  

Here's another saying for you: when in Rome.... I'm having my teeth cleaned in a couple of weeks. Pearly  whites, how American is that?

It's been a tough week.

Not so safe

It would appear this area isn't as safe as I thought.  Accroding to the local paper six people were arrested for drug offences in the square opposite our appartment and a man was robbed at gun point just down the road.  So far I haven't seen any trouble unless you call the little terrier type dog that tried to bite my nose off the other day.

My human went on a trip without me last weekend to Luray caverns.  It was quite a drive away and dogs weren't allowed so I stayed home and watched TV.  She asked me to put these photo's up for you to see.  It's all real, not a film set or make belive, althoug the photo's don't do the place justice according to Rachael.

Tuesday 14 July 2009


Yep I saw my first snake today, it was no big deal, I'm a laid back kinda guy.  Yeah right who am I kidding?  It scared the heebee geebees outta me.  It was the surprise factor more than anything.  Not the surprise of seeing the snake, the shriek from my human.  I was just going about my business sniffing along through the grass and there he was, all curled up in the sun at the side of the path.  He did look rather cute.  I got pulled away before I could have a sniff of him.  I'm no expert but I think it was a garter snake like this one.  A pretty small guy really.

Saturday 11 July 2009


I'm a legal resident dog of Gaithersburg which means I can go to the dog park and not get fined. To celebrate my new status I ate all my dinner, had a huge drink of water, walked into the lounge and vomited!  Did I mention we have cream carpets throughout?  Ooops!

Ghostly goings on

Did I tell you the apartment is haunted?  The human thinks it is anyway based on two facts: I will not go into her bedroom even though she keeps putting my bed in there; and the sock!  About a week after we arrived a sock appeared in the middle of the bedroom floor one morning.  A single white sock with a red top.  It's not one of mine and it's not one of hers so if you are missing a white sock with a red band then get in touch.  We are obviously at the other end of your sock vortex!

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Cool Dog

I met a really cool dog the other day, a Siberian Husky called Indie.  I know, not the best place for a winter dog to be living but he seemed to be coping better than me, I guess he's 'acclimated' as the Americans say.  He had the most amazing blue/white eyes.  The humans were talking while me and Indie exchanged business cards (that's butt sniffing to you humans).  Indie goes to doggy day care three times a week and is training to be a therapy dog.  He also likes to play with snakes which is bad - number one rule in these parts, don't play with the reptiles!

There are two poisonous snakes in Maryland: the copperhead and the timber rattlesnake both of which inhabit Sugarloaf mountain which I was made to walk up at the weekend.  OK, so the view was pretty good but did we have to walk in snake country.  Everyone says they are more scared of me than I am of them... they clearly underestimate how scared I am! 

Happy Birthday

To the 300 million Americans who celebrated their independence on the 4th.  It was a low key affair for us British folk - probably best to keep the plum English accent under wraps for the day.

My human was very cruel to me that day.  She took me for a walk past every BBQ in the area I think.  Ah the smell of fresh steak on the grill, my nose was in over drive.  Not a single scrap for me though.

Saturday 4 July 2009

Bill Oddie Returns

Did I tell you I saw a bald eagle on our way to Harpers Ferry.  It was majestically soaring on the thermals, we couldn't stop to get a photo though.  We did take this one of some kind of heron I think near Harpers Ferry.  Like I said, I'm no twitcher.

I've seen a few other birds as well this week: Eastern Bluebird, Mourning Dove, Red Cardinal and there's a family of barn swallows living in the stairwell of the apartment building.

I can also confirm I'm not going mad! Remember the moving rock from last week?  I saw one in the water yesterday.  He was a bit shy so doesn't show up very well but if you look really carefully you can just see his head poking out of the weeds.  
  Still waiting to see a humming bird.  

Friday 3 July 2009


I thought I'd share a few observations I've made during my first few weeks here.

The people are very friendly.  Nearly everyone we pass on our walk says hi.  

They love their flag.  There's at least one house on every street that has a flag flying, and that's before 4th July.

People like to exercise.  There are loads of joggers and walkers in a morning.  I've also seen some people standing around moving their arms and legs really slowly.  I don't know if it's because they are old and can't move very fast or whether it's some kind of exercise, either way I don't like to interrupt them.

TV is weird.  You can be watching a show where all the bad words are edited out which is fine when they are on before tea time then the ad break will come on with ads for Viagra and other things I better not mention on a family blog.  Oh and the adverts drive me crazy, just as you get into a show the ads come on.  

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Worrying times

I'm getting worried about my human - she's started listening to country music!  Don't get me wrong I like it but I didn't think she would - although she's always been a closet of Dolly fan.

This weeks new experience... drive through ATM, it was so cool.  I wonder if they still have drive in movies - that would be great.  I also want to try a drive in restaurant with waitresses on roller skates and my human would love the drive through beer and wine shop.  I wonder if we could live in the car???  Ok, maybe not it would probably get smelly.

Oh get this - the shopping trolleys at the supermarket have got cup holders on them!

Road trip

I went on my first road trip this weekend.  We went to Harpers Ferry in West Virginia - yes, of John Denver fame... not my pictures.

Forgive my ignorance, I know it's a historical place but I didn't pay much attention to what happened.  Something to do with a bloke called John Brown who wanted to free the slaves (good old bloke if you ask me).  He got a bit upset and he and his mates went to Harpers and had a fight with some other blokes who thought slavery was good.  Sadly he got caught and hanged [is it hanged or hung ] for treason.  Anyway that's what started the American civil war (so I read).

We drove the back roads which gave me a real sense of America.  Other than the freeway from the airport and the short walks near our apartment I haven't seen anything of America - I liked it though.

Friday 26 June 2009

Early finish

What a nice surprise, my human came home early today.  Apparently there was a problem at work that needed the fire department to sort out.  Must have been a big problem, look at all the fire trucks.

For once I hope the noise that has just shook the windows in the apartment was thunder and not a result of what is happening where she works.  The weather channel said we would have a storm tonight and it feels like it's here...  I'm off to hide under the bed!

Thursday 25 June 2009

Bill Oddie

I'm turning into a twitcher - no not the nervous type, the Bill Oddie type.  The birds here are more colourful than the ones back home, and bigger.  Today I saw a Turkey Vulture - I think it was that anyway.  It was huge and looked just like the one in the photo left (not taken by us though).  My favourites are the black birds with the red bits on their wings.  They look so cool when they fly away - and no it's not because I chase them, it's far too hot for running around like a silly puppy.  

On my walk yesterday morning a rock slid down the banking onto the footpath in front of me and started walking towards the lake.  I went over to investigate and it's legs and head disappeared inside it's shell.  Turns out it wasn't a rock at all, it was a turtle, and quiet a big one as well - about the size of a dinner plate in diameter.  

I'm still struggling with the heat.  Tonight I managed 10 minutes round the block before flaking out back in the apartment.  We are going out when the sun goes down although it's still much warmer than back home.  It's nice not to have to be washed down with a bucket of water in the garden after every walk though - I haven't had muddy paws since leaving the UK.

Monday 22 June 2009

New friend

I made a new friend today, George he's a Beagle and he's 8 just like me.  His human is called James and he talked to my human for ages.  I got bored waiting so had a little nap.  He told us all the great places to go and which vet George uses.  He seems really nice and friendly.  I wonder if it's my English bark that attracts them or are all American dog owners really friendly?

I'm having second thoughts about living in a wooden house.  We were just coming back from our walk and there was an awful lot of noise - sirens and horns, then all these huge fire engines came past and parked up outside the block next to our apartment.  It was very exciting but a little bit frightening as well.  I've never seen so many fireman in one place.  It took all my strength to drag my human away - what's the attraction of men in uniform?   

She started work today so I was on my own for the first time since we got here.  Nothing to it really.  Just like being at home but warmer and no Terry Wogan!  I wonder of we'll see George tomorrow.     

Sunday 21 June 2009

Music to my ears

Just across the street from us is a sort of town square where live bands play at the weekend.  We went across last night to see what was going on.  They were really good, a bit noisy for my sensitive ears but good 60's music: better than the blues band the night before.  And what a great way to get some attention.  It must be my youthful good looks that attracts the humans.  They just love my English woof.  

I saw my first fire fly ever.  I didn't know what it was at first.  This little bug came floating by then just lit up.  It was brilliant. This one was green but apparently they come in a range of colours.  I'm going to be on the look out for their babies - glow worms because they are worms... that glow.  Cool!

Saturday 20 June 2009

Settling in

I've been here a few days now and met a few native dogs.  Most of them are really friendly, just the one grumpy little dog but that's normal with the little ones.  We've found where all the dogs hang out - down by the lakes.  It's a few minutes walk from where we are staying.  I have to stay on the lead which isn't too bad as I still haven't gotten used to the humidity here.  

Here are some photo's of where I've been walking.  

My human went to the vet today to see if she could get hold of some more drugs for me.  I'm still pretty freaked out with all the changes and the thunder.  Anyone who knows me knows I hate thunder and we've had storms every day since we got here.  I'm now on restricted walks thanks to the vet.  She said I had to be really careful of heat stroke because of the humidity.  I'm allowed 20 minutes at the most, which to be honest is about all I can cope with at the moment.  I'm soooo tired.

Still not getting on with the stairs - they are really scary - I can see right through them which is seriously unnerving...

Thursday 18 June 2009

The doggie has landed

I made it and without too much trauma.  Ok, so it wasn't the best journey of my life but I survived which is the important thing.  My new home is very nice.  It seems bigger than my UK home but that's probably because I don't have so many toys here.   It's nice that all the rooms are on the same floor and the balcony is brilliant.  I've never been so high - well except on the plane that is.  

First impressions: It's just like home - but hotter and wetter!  It rained really hard last night and this morning but it's sunny now.  I can't believe how hot it is though.  Not very suitable for someone with black fur!  

I had my first wee against a fire hydrant this morning - how American is that?  

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Departure Day

Did you know they do business class travel for dogs?  It must be business class from the way my human was crying when she handed over the money for my flight this morning.

We were up not so bright but very early this morning because I had to check in 4 hours before the flight.  Our driver let me sit on the seat next to my human all the way to the doggie check-in desk where we were met by a lovely lady from Virgin Atlantic cargo who gave me a good old pat and said she'd take care of me.  Yes, Sir Richard, if you are reading this your service has been excellent so far.  

I've cleared customs and am now waiting in my prison ready for my flight.  What strange questions they ask - am I carrying any liquids or explosives?  Well I went to the loo this morning but it's quite stressful so goodness knows how 'explosive' I might be after 8 hours on a plane! 

Think I'll have a little nap now before the flight.  Air travel is sooooo tiring!

Oh yeah, get this, I got a leather holder for my passport - how cool am I?

Sunday 14 June 2009


I have no idea what my human put in my tea last night but boy was it good, I slept like a puppy all night! I'm guessing it was the drugs she plans to give me before I get on the plane. I'm a really nervous traveller so a little bit of something to help me out will be most appreciated.

Only 3 more days before we jet off to America. I'm quite excited about it - what an adventure. Still not looking forward to the flight but am looking forward to seeing my new home. I wonder what a balconly is? My new place has one of those and a pool but I'm not allowed in that - can't see why not, I'm an excellent swimmer.

I'm getting on a bit better with my prison. It now has carpet in it so I don't slip and slide all over the place. I even been in it without being pushed.

Monday 1 June 2009

I give in

Or should that be I got in?  That's me in prison.  I didn't give in without a fight.  Fresh sausages had to be cooked on the BBQ and placed in the prison before she could get me anywhere near it.  I pushed my nose in and wham, she pushed me and before I knew it the door was locked and she's taking photo's of me.  Sneaky woman.  Still I did get some rather nice sausages out of it.

I'm not a happy doggie!

Thursday 28 May 2009

Missing You

I miss my human! She's in America looking for somewhere for me and her to live. I hope she finds somewhere with plenty of trees and lamp posts! I've just found out they have snakes over there that slither along in long grass and bite you when you frighten them. I hope she doesn't expect me to go running about in the grass like I do at home. I've never met a snake but they don't sound very nice.

On the plus side I'm staying with Brandy again. We went to the beach at the weekend which was ace. I had a splash around in the sea and then we had a BBQ - mmmmm sausages!

Friday 15 May 2009

T minus 1 month

Yeah that's it - only a month until I go to the land of the free - although the amount of money my human seems to be forking out to US officials it's not so free. 

I need to put a list together of the things I want to take.  How many toys will I need?  I hope she gets a place where I can lie on the sofa - I don't want to compromise my lifestyle.

Still no idea where I'm going to live - I hope it's somewhere where I can run around - it's so boring being on a lead all the time.

I'm trying not to think about all the dogs and people I'll miss.  At times it doesn't seem like such a good idea to leave my comfort zone but it's a good opportunity for my human and it's only 6 months which will fly by.

We still need to work out the issue with my prison cell.  I think she thinks I've forgotten about it as my toys aren't being thrown in any more but it's still there and I guess if I want to go with her I'll have to get used to it


My human had to go to London really early the other day so I had a sleepover next door.  It was brilliant.  Don't tell my human but I get spoilt so much when I stay there.  I got to sleep on the sofa all night and more walks than my little legs are used to.  Don't get me wrong I love going for walks but I need my beauty sleep as well.  I think I've caught up on my sleep now.  

We went to the park and then to town.  It was market day and the butcher was there.  It's cruel putting all the meat within sniffing distance.  I just about managed to resist jumping up and snaffling a rather large fillet steak that was balanced on the edge of the table.  

I'm really going to miss them when I go to America.   Do they have custard creams in America?


I went on holiday last week.  We went in a big plastic box that follows her car - I think it's called a caravan.  I know lots of people laugh about them but I love it.  I get a bed all to myself and best of all the humans have BBQ's every evening which means SAUSAGES!  

We stayed at one of my favourite places in the woods where I can run around without being on a lead.  There were loads of other dogs there and my best mate Brandy was there all week as well.  I had such a good time.   It was really sad though because I don't think I'll be seeing Brandy again this year.  I hope he doesn't forget me.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Got it!

Yeah!  I've got my passport.  My antibody test was positive which means I got a passport.  That's mine there.  I'm going to have great fun with my human when she tries to get a photo from one of those little booths.  I wonder if I'll look like a criminal like she does in her passport photo. Is it a special filter they use to make the photos look so bad?

I don't think it will be long before we leave.  I've heard her talking about June which in doggie time is really, really soon.  I'm still winning on the prison front.  I reckon she's ignoring it so she'll think I'll forget about it and then magically go in it when she tells me to.  Dream on!

Wednesday 22 April 2009


Ah ha!  I've rescued my toy and ate the custard creams!  It doesn't mean I've given in - I snook in the prison when my human had gone to the shops.  You should have seen the look on her face when she got back and I greeted her with my toy.  Hee hee.

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Feeling Blue

I've been a bit depressed lately.  It was Easter which meant a) my human was at home all day and b) my best mate Brandy came to stay.  He's gone home now and my human is back at work, which means I'm all alone again - with just Terry Wogan for company.  

And to make matters worse my favourite toy is being held captive! Look you can see him in the photo.  My human threw him right to the back of my prison and I refuse to go in and get him.  She's trying all forms of "persuasion" as she calls it to get me in there but so far I've managed to resist. Of course Brandy let me down when he arrived at Easter.  My human had left custard creams in the prison to tempt me in.  I was just about holding out, due mainly to an ample supply being fed to me over the fence from our neighbours.  So anyway, Brandy arrived, walked straight into the prison, ate the biscuits and then settled down for a nap.  Traitor!  I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this up though - my human is starting to lose her patience - she tried pushing me in when I wasn't paying attention. Luckily I'm still quick on my paws and managed to make a quick getaway.   

Sunday 12 April 2009


I give in. I can't keep this sulking up, not when my human is so nice to me. The day after the visit to the vets she took me out in the car to meet my favourite human children. I've known them ever since I was a puppy. Wendy is the eldest and she has two brothers George and Tom who were born together which, apparently, is special with humans. I can't see what all the fuss is - my mum had 9 of us all at the same time.

We all went for a really nice walk and I had loads of treats. I kept having to sit down and shake a paw but it's worth it. I had a great time. They don't live near us any more which is a shame because I do miss them.

So I'm friends again with my human and back to sleeping in the same room as her. I'm still not going in that kennel though!

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Vet - again! He shaved off some fur on my leg then stuck a needle in me. Ow, ow, ow! Not even a nice walk and 3 sausages is going to make me forgive my human for a few days.

Let's just say we'll be sleeping in different rooms tonight.

Monday 6 April 2009

What the?

OK, I'm guessing the trip to the States is back on. My human has bought me a 'present' - note the quotes there... I don't think it's much of present. Yesterday she struggled into the house with a huge plastic kennel. She put my bed in it and then spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get me inside it. It's fantastic fun. She puts a line of treats leading up to and into the kennel, I happily eat all the treats within reach without going in, genius! She's now resorted to throwing my toys into the kennel. At first they were just at the door, then a little bit further meaning I had to stretch and now my toy parrot is lost in the kennel for good. I'm not going in there. She threw the parrot in, she can get it out!

I know what her next plan will be - sausages - she knows I can't resist them. I wonder how quick I can get in, eat the bate and then out again?

Friday 3 April 2009

Atta Boy

I must have been a good boy this week because I had two fantastic treats. On Monday I went for a walk with Bobby and Cindy two of my best doggie mates. Cindy loves playing fetch with her Frisbee - although she has this really strange habit of bringing it back to my human and then not letting go of it, even though she's desperate for someone to throw it. Very odd for a 'clever' dog. I think Bobby and I are cleverer; if the human throws it they should go and get it. Poor Bobby is suffering a bit now - he's got arthritis, so has a limp. He still tries to run around like he used to but suffers a bit later.

My second treat was staying at Lyn and Roger's. They are my favourite human friends (family aside of course). They take me for walks when my human is too busy to bother with me and, best of all, they feed me human biscuits - custard creams to be precise, not those boring mini-boneo's I usually get. Don't tell anyone but when they see me in the garden they come out and give me biscuits over the fence: it's brilliant! Some mornings I hang around in the garden in the hope they see me and come out with food. I'm such a charmer when I want to be.

Sunday 29 March 2009

Woof neighbourhood

I was thinking the other day how lucky I was to live in a neighbourhood where all the dogs are nice to me. Then within 24 hours I get grumped at by 3 different dogs. Don’t worry I’m alright! My defence is cowardice. I lie down meekly and they tend to leave me alone. My human wading in with her big boots also tends to help. It was a bit scary through.

The first one was a boxer who I’ve never seen before. We were near the end of our morning walk; I was on the lead, then out of nowhere springs this dog. Before I could get my ‘big wus’ defence in play (lie down meekly and pray I don’t get hurt) he’d pinned me to the floor and was growling menacingly at me. Luckily my human was on hand to ‘rescue’ me and then the two humans had words. Apparently the boxer was ‘only playing’ – yeah right.

We met Taz on our evening walk that same day. I don’t know what type he is but he’s got a squashed nose and a big fluffy tail. He barks all the time. He always grumbles at me but I just ignore him now. He’s always on the lead so I run past him as fast as I can making sure I’m just out of reach – hee, hee.

The latest incident was much more frightening. I think his name is Doug. He’s an Australian cattle dog with an attitude problem. Maybe he’s forgotten that we used to play together when he was a puppy because I swear he tried to kill me. Thank fully he was on his lead and his human didn’t stand for any nonsense. He must be a strong dog though because his human had to pretty much sit on him so we could get past. I don’t think I’ll shed any tears over him when I go to America.

I’ll introduce you to my friends next time.

Thursday 26 March 2009


Man it's a tough life. It's very nice of my human to let me have my own sofa. I wish she wouldn't make me get off when we have visitors though.

It's gone very quiet on the US front. Haven't heard her talking about it for a while. Maybe she's changed her mind and I don't have to go on the plane.

Almost the weekend. I wonder if she has anything exciting planned for me. I'd love a run on the beach.

No sign of any clothes, maybe I've got away with that as well.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

What's in a name?

I'm struggling a bit here. What do I call the one who feeds me, walks me and looks after me? I think she'd like it if I called her the boss but that's not really true. We have this mutual understanding where she asks me to do something and I do what I want. OK I'm not that bad but I do suffer from deafness at times. So I don't think boss is the right thing to call her. Owner is far too possessive for my linking. Slave? Hmm maybe not, I'm working on it but not quite there yet. I'm going to try with 'my human' for now and see how that works.

My human measured me today. Not weighed, measured as in length, width, height. I'm a bit worried she might be thinking of buying me some clothes. I hope not. I'd get laughed at by all my mates. I don't mean to offend anyone but dogs in clothes - it's wrong! Not even a 'super dog' outfit would change my mind... although... Super Dog Ben to the rescue.... no, it's wrong! Pleeeeeease don't buy me any clothes. It's bad enough having to wear that harness in the car but if you've seen my human's driving you'll understand why I insist on wearing it!

Monday 23 March 2009

A good weekend

Usually when we go away for the weekend it's a mad rush on a Friday night packing (mostly my stuff) then a quick walk round the block and into the car. This weekend I was tricked. No frantic packing or short walk on Friday night. It was a bit of shock to be woken up at 5.30 on Saturday morning though! We're early risers during the week but I let her have a lie in at weekends - 7 O'clock is about the right time to get up on the weekend isn't it?

Anyway, there we are doing the Friday night routine at 5.30 on Saturday morning. Into the car and the endless journey... to see my best mate Brandy. Yeah what a fantastic treat. I had no idea we were going. Neither had Brandy's person by the look on her face. Brandy is fed, groomed and walked by my person's mum - that's why we get on so well. Brandy is fab. He's a lab like me but he's yellow (golden if you are posh) and quite a bit bigger than me even though he is younger by a few months.

We had a brilliant weekend. We went for two long walks one with Brandy's friend Cassy a rescued Staffy. She's only young and full of beans. Boy can she run. I think I'm getting a bit old to be chased around by these young 'uns.

Wednesday 11 March 2009


Ow, ow, ow! She took me to the vets today for a rabies jab. Aparently I need that so I can come back to the UK after our time in America. Everytime I go to the vets he jabs me. Apparently that's good because it means I'm healthy. Yeah right, you try that. She did take me for a nice walk after and bought me a susage from the chippy, so shouldn't really complain. Hmmmmm sausages, my favourite.

Saturday 7 March 2009

The start of it

Oh my, I didn't see that coming! My owner has been given this great opportunity to go the US for 6 months with her work. Don't ask me what she does, something with computers that's all I know. They don't interest me - sausages, sticks and tummy tickles are what count in my life.

She comes home the other night and drops this bombshell of clearing off to the US. What happens to me then? I've heard her on the phone - "do you want to foster a dog" - I'm guessing she means me? She never asked me if I wanted to be fostered. Then there is all this talk of taking me with her. Something about pet passports and aeroplanes.

Don't get me wrong - I love her to bits but she knows I hate the car and the nearest I've been to an aeroplane is when they fly over our house. I don't think I'm going to like this one bit.