Sunday 23 October 2011

I'm Back

I know, I know, I'm sorry it's been a while, but I'm back now. 

What's been happening recently?  I moved into my new house.  I didn't realise what a time consuming activity it can be.  All that packing and unpacking and rearranging.  I think I've managed to find all my toys and got my bed in the perfect position: just at the bottom of the stairs, looking out into my yard but close enough to the fire to keep the chill off.  I must say I like the log fire we have.  It's so cosy curling up in front of it with my human on these chilly nights. 

I've started to meet my new neighbours.  There is barky boy across the street who seems to spend his days on his deck barking at anything that moves.  Then there is grumpy girl next door who comes across as nice and friendly until you get within snapping distance.  Luckily I'm too quick for her despite my advancing years.  My favourite new friends are Little Bit and Nemo.  I'm sure they said they were Lapsang Souchong's but I thought that was tea.  For little dogs they are pretty cute and must have had their yap removed because they don't bark, just like me.

I promise to write more real soon but I've got a busy day of yard work ahead and need a nap to build up my strength.  

Tuesday 6 September 2011

In the dog house

I'm in the dog house and it's not the nice one I blogged about earlier.  It's been very wet and stormy today and I got a little bit upset so I tried to distract myself from the thunder and heavy rain by doing a bit of spring cleaning.... For some unknown reason my human wasn't impressed that I emptied her closet.

I want one

I saw this online earlier.... I wonder if my human will build one for me?  Oh wait a minute, there's no cable, that's no good.  Nope, I think I'll stick to having the run of her house while she is at work.  Far more comfortable!

Saturday 27 August 2011

Not like it!

I've found something else I don't like.... HURRICANES!  Well it's only tropical storm force winds here but I definitely don't like it.  The trees are bent double, the rain is pelting down, thunder and lightening  crashing all around me and the power keeps going out.  I definitely DO NOT like this storm. 

Friday 26 August 2011

Be Prepared

Emergency Management Bulletin Issued For Where I live....

Use 911 for emergencies only. 
Before a Storm: 
1)Put copies of important documents in a safe place, preferably a waterproof container. Important documents can include passports, birth certificates, insurance policies or anything else that might be needed immediately or cannot be easily replaced.
2)Have enough cash for a few days ATMs may not work during power outages and stores might not be able to take debit and credit cards.
3)Make sure vehicle gas tanks are full.
4)Secure or bring inside exterior items that might become windborne, such as lawn furniture, toys and garden tools.
5)Fill prescriptions that might be needed and stock up on any necessary medical supplies.
6)Keep flashlights and battery-powered radios with extra batteries on hand, along with a basic first aid kit, emergency food and water, and a non-electric can opener. Have enough non-perishable food and water for at least 72 hours.
7)Listen to the radio or television for hurricane progress reports.
8)Clean out gutters.
9)Turn the refrigerator and freezer to the coldest setting in anticipation of a power outage. Open the doors only when necessary and close quickly.
10)Refrain from putting out trash cans the night before the regular pickup.

During a Storm:
1)Avoid using candles for lighting. Use a battery-powered flashlight.
2)Never use a candle when fueling equipment such as a kerosene heater or lantern, since the candle flame can ignite fumes from the fuel.
3)Try to stay in an interior room or away from windows.
4)Stay calm and do not call 911 unless it is an emergency.
5)If flooding occurs, turn off electricity at the main breaker.
6)During a power outage, turn off major appliances. This will minimize losing power again through a power surge and protect the equipment when power returns.
7)Do not go outside. Flying debris from high winds is a danger.

Thursday 25 August 2011


Should I start to worry?  How about some panic buying?  I need pedigree chum... do you think 18 tins will be enough to ride out the storm?  A quick inventory of my store cupboard: half a bin of dry food, new pack of treats, one packet of custard creams; yep I think that should do. 

Tuesday 23 August 2011


That was an experience I don't want to re-live again in a hurry.  I'd just settled down for my afternoon nap after a surprise lunchtime visit from my human when the house started shaking.  Just a gentle shake to start with then it grew and grew until the whole building was shaking and and everything was rattling.  I remembered what my human had told me after the last quake and went to my safe place under the table until the shaking stopped.  OK so it's unlikely we'll get a 'big one' but you never know what can fall on your head.  No signs of damage at our new house, or our old one for that matter, although there are many reports on the news of widespread minor damage.  Communications were down for a short while as millions of people tweeted or posted on Facebook - it's a strange world we live in.  You might laugh at me for hiding but I know being the softy I am I did the right thing.  It amazes me how many people said they ran out into the street... errr isn't that where all the bricks are falling.

Anyway, I survived yet another earthquake and now I'm starting to prepare for hurricane Irene which might get to us by weekend.  What do I need for that.... dried food, canned food, water, batteries, torch.  Loo roll!  I must remind my human she needs to stock up if this thing does come our way she's going to need it.

I really miss England! 

Sunday 21 August 2011


I spent the weekend helping my human decorate our new house.  Well, when I say help, I mean in a paws off kind of way.  I figured she needed space to paint so I went on garden duty which involved a lot of rolling around in the grass, a significant amount of sleeping on the grass and a little watering of the weeds.  Obviously I went in now and again to check on progress and make she was doing a good job.  It was looking good until she started with the green paint.  I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt until we move in properly but I don't really like it. 

I had an informal introduction to a few of the neighbourhood dogs.  First there is Bozo, well that's what I've called him.  He's a strapping great dog who bounds down his back yard and jumps on to a platform so he can see over the fence.  At first I thought he was going to come right over but he's quite happy to stand up there and bark at me.  Next there is Hans the German shepherd wanna be...  He stands half way down his yard and just watches me walk towards him.  The he took off full gallop towards the fence and just stood there watching me.  Finally I met three black Scottie dogs.  I think they must have some barking competition between themselves because they didn't shut up the whole time I was in sight.  I glad I don't live next door to them, it would drive me nuts and seriously disturb my much needed sleep.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Good Times

Fluff everywhere!  I told the puppy not to eat her bed but would she listen to this old dog?  Of course not!  It was way too much fun to rip the stuffing out all over the room.  I had to chuckle when my human got back, she had the same look as when I chewed the sideboard, and her shoes, and the extension reel.  Ah the good old days of puppy hood. 

Sunday 7 August 2011


The last month has been so topsy turvy I don't know whether I'm coming or going.  I spent two weeks at my country retreat with my pals Jack and Piper when my human was back home.  Then we had a weird night in our new house: no furniture or lights but it was pretty cool - literally, as the air con was working there and not at my usual house.  As soon as the air con was fixed I was sleeping in my usual house for a few nights and now I'm back at the country retreat with my human looking after my pals Jack and Piper while there humans are back in England.  I tell you I don't know where to call home these days.  I can't complain though, it is great not to have to be leashed all the time.  I can just wander around sniffing here and there to my hearts content.   

Friday 15 July 2011

Lucky Dog

Am I the luckiest dog in North America or what?  Look what my human has bought me..... yep it's a garden, and it's all mine.  I can't begin to tell you how nice it is to feel grass between my paws; to roll around in the grass; to walk around without a lead around my neck.  Oh the freedom.  I'm so happy!  

 Here's me taking a toy for a walk around my new place.

And the front garden looking towards my new park

 How does my human always get her car in the picture?

Sunday 19 June 2011

Health Update

The good news is my paw is getting getting better and I don't have any broken bones; arthritis; lung problems; neurological issues; no kidney problems; no cancer; my blood work was fine, in fact I'm disgustingly healthy for my age.  My heart murmur is a bit worse but nothing to worry about.  Despite pinning me to the floor and checking all my joints and sticking needles in me the vet could find nothing wrong with me which I find really funny because I've definitely got a limp but that's for her to find out, I'm not telling her what's wrong; that's why she went to school for so long, she can work it out. 

I had a great time on Friday - freedom to roam round a garden without that silly lead limiting my movement.  It was sooooo nice.  My human was on tenterhooks for a time as I get threatened to jump in the swimming pool.  It looked so inviting.  She got a bit animated whenever I got within 6 inches of the water.  I was only looking - honest!

Sunday 12 June 2011

Poorly Paw

My human has walked me so much I've worn my paws out.  Well not quite but I have managed to wear my nails down so much they are bleeding.  I tried my best to keep the blood off the cream carpet but there was so much of it.  I've been patched up for now and off to the doggie doctor tomorrow for a proper checkup.  It's a great excuse to just lounge around all day without feeling guilty. 

Monday 6 June 2011


Everybody needs good neighbours.  And I certainly have them.  Not sure how many kiddies are in there but I'd hazard a guess at 3.  Mommy and daddy seem to be working really hard to keep the little fellas fed.  It's a good job they get a lot of exercise flying back and forth, that hole is really small for them to get through.  


Making a mess

I've been a bit lazy of late dragging my feet during my walk, it's so hot and I get tired so quick in the heat.  Trouble is I've dragged my heels (so to speak) I've worn my nails down so much they started to bleed the other day.  It's no big deal it doesn't hurt or anything and it was only a bit of blood on the kitchen floor, oh and a bit on the wooden floor; and a bit more on the cream carpet; and some more on the rug.... well anyway I digress.  It doesn't hurt and the upside is the floors are lovely and clean.  My human is now treating me like a small human telling me to pick my feet up.  She's threatened me with a trip to the vet if it happens again or worse still making me some booties out of duct tape.  Oh the humiliation! 

Saturday 4 June 2011

Please Don't

For the love of all things BBQ, don't shave your golden retriever!  Not only do they look really stupid they hate it - I know I've spoken to them.  It's degrading.  They have survived thousands of years without the need for a short back and sides.  Stop being cruel!  If they are hot turn up the air con you cheap humans. 

Friday 27 May 2011

Top Three

Top three things I hate about my new home, in reverse order:
3.  No decent food - no sausages, no bacon, no custard creams.
2.  Snakes!
1. Thunderstorms!  I swear I've lost my weight in dribble this month because of those pesky storms.  The only plus side to it is I get to spend more time with my human.  OK so we may be hiding in the cupboard under the stairs but it's quality human time all the same.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Birthday Excitement

Mother nature has arranged a wonderful light show for my birthday.  When I say wonderful I really mean scary, noisy, dribbling and shaking with fear thunderstorm.  Thankfully my human came home in time to whisk me round the block before the rain came.  She is now glued to the weather channel watching the next storm come in.  Hopefully we will get away with just rain and thunder, I don't think my nerves will take another tornado warning.  And there I was thinking she was getting the matches out to light the candles on my cake. 

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me. 

Can you believe it I am 10?  TEN!  Where did the years go?  One minute I'm running free as a dog who slipped his lead, chasing bunnies through the fields, the next I'm in a crate on a plane to a life of thunderstorms, hot weather, and walks on the lead.

My human is planning a party for me this weekend.  She says it's for the Royal wedding but I know that's just a ruse to put me off the scent.  I hope we have sausages on sticks, and sausages not on sticks for that matter.  Just sausages, that would be nice.  Hmmmm sausages!

I need a nap.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Long arm of the law

Well that's been an entertaining few hours.  When we got back from my walk the other night I alerted my human to a business card on the floor at our door.  She wanted to walk right past it but I insisted she pick it up.  It's a good job she did as it was from the local sheriff.  Talk about guilty conscience, she paced back and forwards for ages before finally ringing the number on the card.  Predictably there was no answer so she spent the entire night wondering what dastardly deed had caught up with her.  I was surprised how long her list was.  Luckily for me she wasn't arrested, and I don't have to go in a home, he was looking for a previous occupier.  Phew!  My belly rubs are safe for now. 

Monday 7 March 2011

How to...

make an impression.  Not all first impressions are good and some are certainly more memorable than others.  Take Jack for example, I still remember him piddling on my human's feet when he first met her.  we had some people round for lunch yesterday.  I'd never met them before so naturally I had to put on a good show.  When they arrived I greeted them with my favourite toy - the floppy bunny.  We played a bit of tug and a bit of fetch; I had a lick of their exposed flesh as normal, then they settled down to lunch.  Hmmm roast pork with all the trimmings.... queue my staring role of the day ... I threw up on the rug next to the dinning table.  It wasn't just a little cough either it the was the full Monty so to speak.  To say I wasn't very popular was an understatement.  Better out than in I always say.  And to our visitors if you are reading this... I'm sorry if I put you off your creme brulee.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Good deed or just nuts?

My human has gone nuts.  It's snowing like heck, the power keeps going off, it's as cold as heck and all of a sudden she grabs her coat, gloves and boots and is out the door quicker than you can say Pedigree Chum.  Then two minutes later she's back, grabs some cardboard from the garage then out the door again.  Slightly curious I get up from my warm bed and wander to the window to watch the spectacle.  She kicks the cardboard under the car wheels, then gets her sizable frame behind the car and two minutes later the driver is shaking her hand and trying to give her money.  Apparently the guy had been shoveling snow and trying to move his car for over an hour.  I'm very proud of my human - her brains and bulk have some use after all :-)


Just wondering why my human only cleared to here.  Does she expect me to wade through that lot? 

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Ice, ice baby

Well that was a new experience.  Either my paws have been polished overnight or something happened to the pavement.  Apart from it being really, really cold on the old paws, it's ridiculously slippy.  Everywhere is covered in ice.  My human had to clear a path just to get out of the house and even then it was the shortest walk in history.  It's impossible to walk on the road or the pavement  so we hopped from grunchy grass verge to crunchy grass verge.  Even my 4 paw drive couldn't get any traction.  It's not funny or dignified losing control of your legs. 

It doesn't look much but it is all ice.

Sunday 9 January 2011

Happy New Year

Alright so we are well in to January but it's taken me this long to recover from my Christmas holiday.  I had such good fun but it was very tiring.  Endless walks, plenty of room to run around and best of all, off the lead. 

My mate Jake got a lovely Christmas present... a puppy called Piper.  She is ever so cute but hard work.  So much energy from such a little bundle.  I thought Jack was hyperactive... Piper was non-stop.  It's a good job I'm such a laid back guy, others wouldn't be as tolerant.  She is beautiful though.  Almost makes me want to ask my human to get one to keep me company... but then again I like my peace and quiet.  I think I'm too old to be training puppies.