Sunday 25 March 2012


I met a man skipping this morning.   Not rope skipping, skipping skipping with his arms flailing around like he was being attacked by bees.  He stopped to say hello, scratched me behind the ears and skipped off again.  All that was missing was some happy music and warm sunshine. 

Saturday 24 March 2012


Spring is definitely a time of change.  My garden is blooming, mostly with weeds, but still blooming, the cherry blossom is out, pretty but smelly and the park, my park, is packed with people.  Four months I've had it to myself and the odd 4 legged woofer from the neighbourhood, but mostly all to myself.  The last few days it's been packed: football, baseball, basketball, tennis, they are all out there acting like they own the place.  It's nice to meet new people and eat the odd scrap they've left behind from their picnic but remember, just because you use the park for a couple of weeks in the spring it doesn't make it your park!

Thursday 22 March 2012

Spring has sprung

Another hard day in the garden watching my human pull weeds and dig over the veg plot.  If you ask me it's a complete waste of time and effort, just go to the shops and buy veg grown by a professional.  Get your priorities sorted and relax like me.  I love spring.  Not too hot, not too cold, just about right for an old dog like me.

  Me and my friendly flea catching a few rays