Tuesday 27 August 2013

Say A Little Prayer

Thinking of my buddy, and occasional house guest, Cacique who is having a big operation tomorrow to remove a tumour the size of a grapefruit from his liver.  Hang in there mate.  Hope to see you soon.

Meet The Neighbours

I've got some new neighbours.  The human's of dear departed Roxy have rescued an English Foxhound called Henry.  I haven't met him yet but I've sniffed him through the fence.  My human took him some rather nice smelling treats and a tug toy.  I hope he liked them because I know I would have.

We've got a puppy across the street.  She's called Hazel is about 10 weeks old now.  She is beeeeeautiful!  We've met her a few times now although Misty is banned from saying hello to other dogs because she is so grumpy.  Don't tell her but I know she's starting basic training boot camp in a few weeks.  Ha, that should whip her into shape.  I still love having her around, I can get away with anything and she gets the blame.